Privacy Policy

1. General information

Poki is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone who uses our websites and applications. The Poki websites and applications can be used all over the world. The privacy and data protection requirements vary per country. Regardless of where your personal data is processed, we believe it is important to provide the same high level of protection as described in this privacy statement, which now applies in all countries outside the EU and UK. This privacy statement – the “Global Privacy Statement”, or just in short “Privacy Statement” – is designed to provide transparency into Poki’s privacy practices and principles. It provides information on the data that we collect from our website visitors through our web platform, our Poki for Developers platform, and other general- audience sites and applications (hereafter referred to together as the “Poki Website”). Please click this link for an overview of the domains referred to as the “Poki Website”.

The Poki Website is dedicated to website visitors of 16 years and older (“Website Visitors”). If you are under the age of 16, this website is not meant for you. For our younger players Poki has launched a separate website: the Poki Kids Website. This website is a safe environment for children under the age of 16. To view our privacy practices specific for the Poki Kids Website, please refer to the privacy information on the Poki Kids Website. If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Statement, please contact us at

The Poki Website is owned and operated by Poki B.V. (referred to in this Privacy Statement as “Poki", “we", “our", or “us"). Poki is an entity incorporated under Dutch law.

* Please note that we determine from which region you visit our website based on your IP-address, thus if you use a VPN-connection, you may not be shown the Privacy Statement applicable to you.

How can you contact us?

If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Statement, or our usage of your data, please contact us at or via:

Poki B.V.
Spui 10
1012 WZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
+31 20 2800 870 (for communication in Dutch or English)

Please let us know by e-mail in advance if you prefer to have further contact over the phone in another language. We will then try to facilitate your request.

11. Changes

We may change this Privacy Statement from time to time to accommodate new technologies, industry practices, regulatory requirements or for other purposes. The latest version can always be consulted via the Poki Website. Important changes will also be communicated to you.

12. Local Law Addenda

12.1 Local Law Addendum (Canada)